butterfly noir

Closing the opportunity gap for emerging Black artists.

Artists, Need funding for your project? Enroll in our Fiscal sponsorship program today!



Coaching & Consulting


Fiscal Sponsorship



A UCLA study found “people of color have made progress in the key, powerful roles of director and film writer, but are still vastly underrepresented…both male and female people of color represent 30% of directors and 32% of film writers.”

Butterfly Noir Inc. is a non-profit arts organization that strives to close the opportunity gap for emerging Black artists, whose talent is underrepresented in all aspects of the tv, film, and media industry. We aim to provide free and low cost educational workshops, programs, and consulting services for a multi-generational collective of artists that help them develop and publish creative content. Additionally, Butterfly Noir Inc. aims to provide a platform to showcase the work of artists as well as fund individual artist projects in the film, tv, media, and theater discipline.

We facilitate Anti-racist U.S. History classes!

To register your middle or high school student, click here 


Learn more about the 3E Program for Social Justice and Change at: www.3eprogram.com

As part of our mission to close the opportunity gap for emerging Black artists, we will be facilitating a virtual, anti-racist history program for middle and high school students. Opportunity gaps for Black artists exist because of racism in America. The 3E Program for Social Justice and Change will support efforts toward eradicating racism as it comprises lesson plans that critically examine societal structures, cultural assumptions, and social issues based on racism in America. The program also focuses on empowerment as we provide students with tools that will help them advocate for themselves and their communities. Knowledge of history and the sociopolitical and cultural world around you is pivotal in creating powerful films, documentaries, and theatre. 

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