Executive Director, Founding Member, Chair

Brandi Webb

Brandi Webb’s work in theater and film has shed light on the many plights faced by marginalized communities since 2005. As a film producer and director, she has been able to advocate for equal rights for African American, Latino, and other ethnic minorities with multiple organizations to magnify her message. Her extensive experience in scriptwriting, directing, and producing have culminated in her powerful 2021 documentary, Betrayal of a Nation.

Founding Member, Board Treasurer

Anne Gordon

Anne Gordon’s track record in the public sector serving her community began in 1994 in the Billing Department of the New York City Department of Homeless Services. She moved to the Finance Unit in 2010 before retiring in 2016. Auditing in both assignments put her in charge of the funds for paying the hotel providers that housed the homeless and distributing reimbursements for employee travel expenses. Her work has made her experienced in keeping the books balanced and clearly and regularly reporting on finances.
Founding Member, Board Secretary

Latoya Johnson

With a penchant for the creative yet analytical, innovative yet strategic, Latoya Johnson’s skills connect brands with customers through brand discovery and product development and merchandising strategies that are accessible, thoughtful, and sustainable. Over twelve years of building partnerships and leading design concept, color, material, and finish strategy began at Robert Allen Design where she came to the fore as Design Director. Her broad experience in wholesale and interior design has seen her bring licenses to the likes of Dwell studio, Madcap Cottage, Tilton Fenwick, and Sunbrella.